シャトー・タルボ:ワインの市場 ビール・洋酒








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写真 商品名 値段 送料 販売店
【クール送料無料】ボルドー 1855年格付け全61シャトー 2014VT セット 木箱入り 【クール送料無料】ボルドー 1855年格付け全61シャトー 2014VT セット 木箱入り 2,475,356 円 ウメムラ Wine Cellar
【クール送料無料商品について】送料+クール代が含まれています。 ※ドライ(常温)便でお届けをご希望の場合、注文受付後に変更対応いたしますので、ご注文時に備考欄へご記入ください。 ※木箱入り大型商品のため、他の商品と同梱できません。 ボルドーのメドック格付け61シャトーの2014ヴィンテージセット! ■2014年ヴィンテージ情報■ ボルドーの2014ヴィンテージは、驚くべき予想外の結果となりました。冷涼で雨が多かった冬に続いて、春は、比較的暑く乾燥し、開花に適した良好な条件に恵まれました。残念なことに、夏は、涼しく湿気が多かったため状況が一変し、前ヴィンテージの嫌な記憶がよみがえりました。しかしながら、8月末に予期せぬインディアンサマーが到来し、状況に変化が見られました。遅めに到来した暑さと干ばつにより、ブドウの成熟がゆっくりと進み、特にカベルネがその恩恵を受けました。シーズン後半の例外的な・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1986 / シャトー タルボ 1986 Château Talbot 1986 / シャトー タルボ 1986 504,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1986 / シャトー タルボ 1986 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1990 / シャトー タルボ 1990 Château Talbot 1990 / シャトー タルボ 1990 394,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1990 / シャトー タルボ 1990 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2000 / シャトー タルボ 2000 Château Talbot 2000 / シャトー タルボ 2000 353,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2000 / シャトー タルボ 2000 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1996 / シャトー タルボ 1996 Château Talbot 1996 / シャトー タルボ 1996 332,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1996 / シャトー タルボ 1996 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1947 / シャトー タルボ 1947 Château Talbot 1947 / シャトー タルボ 1947 310,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1947 / シャトー タルボ 1947 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1945 / シャトー タルボ 1945 Château Talbot 1945 / シャトー タルボ 1945 310,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1945 / シャトー タルボ 1945 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1995 / シャトー タルボ 1995 Château Talbot 1995 / シャトー タルボ 1995 272,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1995 / シャトー タルボ 1995 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2002 / シャトー タルボ 2002 Château Talbot 2002 / シャトー タルボ 2002 272,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2002 / シャトー タルボ 2002 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2010 / シャトー タルボ 2010 Château Talbot 2010 / シャトー タルボ 2010 252,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2010 / シャトー タルボ 2010 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2005 / シャトー タルボ 2005 Château Talbot 2005 / シャトー タルボ 2005 232,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2005 / シャトー タルボ 2005 . 商品説明 Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau ・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2006 / シャトー タルボ 2006 Château Talbot 2006 / シャトー タルボ 2006 210,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2006 / シャトー タルボ 2006 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1949 / シャトー タルボ 1949 Château Talbot 1949 / シャトー タルボ 1949 180,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1949 / シャトー タルボ 1949 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2009 / シャトー タルボ 2009 Château Talbot 2009 / シャトー タルボ 2009 160,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2009 / シャトー タルボ 2009 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1988 / シャトー タルボ 1988 Château Talbot 1988 / シャトー タルボ 1988 160,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1988 / シャトー タルボ 1988 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
[12本セット] シャトー タルボ [2018] Chateau Talbot AOC Saint-Julien フランス ボルドー オー メドック メドック 第4級格付 AOCサン ジュリアン 赤 フルボディ 750ml [12本セット] シャトー タルボ [2018] Chateau Talbot AOC Saint-Julien フランス ボルドー オー メドック メドック 第4級格付 AOCサン ジュリアン 赤 フルボディ 750ml 158,000 円 Donguriano Wine
手頃な価格で、『本格的なボルドー・ワインを造る』という事で、ボルドー愛好家から、高い評価をされているのが、この【シャトー・タルボ】です。世界中のワイン評論家の間でも、かなり評価が高い!『現在の4級格付けから、3級に昇格すべき』という声が非常に多いシャトー! ロバート・パーカー氏が認める高い品質を誇る正統派ボルドー。安定した品質とクラシックなボルドースタイルが魅力!  【シャトー・タルボ】の名前は、1453年のカスティヨンの戦いに破れたイギリス軍指揮官、シュースベリー伯【ジョン・トールボット John Talbot】にちなんだものです。ヴィンテージに左右されない安定感とひかえめな価格で、長年のボルドーファンからの高い支持を得ています。華やかなベリーとハーブの香りが特徴的で、熟した果実の味わいとしっかりとした骨格を備えており、クラシックなボルドースタイルがお好みの方に是非おすすめしたいシャトー・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2011 / シャトー タルボ 2011 Château Talbot 2011 / シャトー タルボ 2011 120,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2011 / シャトー タルボ 2011 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2008 / シャトー タルボ 2008 Château Talbot 2008 / シャトー タルボ 2008 120,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2008 / シャトー タルボ 2008 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 2010 / シャトー タルボ 2010 Château Talbot 2010 / シャトー タルボ 2010 120,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 2010 / シャトー タルボ 2010 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)
Château Talbot 1958 / シャトー タルボ 1958 Château Talbot 1958 / シャトー タルボ 1958 110,000 円 Fine and Rare
Château Talbot 1958 / シャトー タルボ 1958 . Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is re・・・(以下省略)

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