シャトー・パヴィ:ワインの市場 ビール・洋酒
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写真 | 商品名 | 値段 | 送料 | 販売店 |
シャトー パヴィ アリエノール コレクション 2016 ( 750ml×1, 1500ml×1, 3000ml×1, 6000ml×1 ) オリジナル木箱入り Chateau Pavie Alienor Collection フランス ボルドー セット | 1,430,000 円 売り切れ |
別 | ロマネ ROMANEE | |
生産者シャトー パヴィChateau Pavieワイン名アリエノール コレクションAlienor Collectionヴィンテージ2016容量750ml ×1本、1500ml ×1本、3000ml ×1本、6000ml ×1本解説パーカーポイント: 100点予想される飲み頃:2021 - 2060The 2016 Pavie a blend of 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Franc. Very deep purple-black in color, it needs a little coaxing to begin, slowly unfurling to reveal a fragrant perfume of violets, chocolate-covered cherries, crushed blueberries and eucalyptus ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
シャトー パヴィ アリエノール コレクション 2016 ( 750ml×1, 1500ml×1, 3000ml×1, 6000ml×1 ) オリジナル木箱入り Chateau Pavie Alienor Collection フランス ボルドー セット | 1,430,000 円 売り切れ |
別 | KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門 | |
生産者シャトー パヴィChateau Pavieワイン名アリエノール コレクションAlienor Collectionヴィンテージ2016容量750ml ×1本、1500ml ×1本、3000ml ×1本、6000ml ×1本解説パーカーポイント: 100点予想される飲み頃:2021 - 2060The 2016 Pavie a blend of 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Franc. Very deep purple-black in color, it needs a little coaxing to begin, slowly unfurling to reveal a fragrant perfume of violets, chocolate-covered cherries, crushed blueberries and eucalyptus ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2005 / シャトー パヴィ 2005 | 550,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2005 / シャトー パヴィ 2005 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
クール便発送2014 シャトー シュヴァル ブラン 750ml×6本(1ケース) 木箱入り 赤 Chateau Cheval blanc フランス ボルドー サン テミリオン 第1特別級A 赤ワイン ビンテージワイン バックヴィンテージ グランヴァン Grand Vin【送料無料※一部地域は除く】 | 499,800 円 | 込 | 日本ワインの専門店 日本葡萄酒店 | |
●シャトー シュヴァル ブラン シャトー・シュヴァル・ブランは1954年に第一特別級Aに格付けされたサンテミリオン最高峰のシャトーです。 その歴史は古く1546年の古文書に既に記述が残されており、1862年、1878年、1886年には当時の博覧会でメダルを獲得しその名声は世界に広く知られるようになりました。当時のオークションハウスの文書には、シュヴァル・ブランはラトゥール、マルゴー、ラフィット、オーブリオンと並び当時最も高く取引されていたシャトーと記録されています。 シャトー・シュヴァル・ブランの名前の由来はブルボン王朝アンリ4世(1553年〜1610年)の時代に遡ります。シュヴァル・ブランのシャトーがある場所は、かつて宿屋があったといわれています。アンリ4世王は白い馬にまたがりサンテミリオンの街にやってきて、この宿屋に泊まりました。王は執務で城に帰る途中だったのか、プライベートで乗馬の遊・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2000 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2000 | 410,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2000 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2000 . The estate was founded by Albert Macquin 1852-1911, famous for having introduced in Saint-Émilion the technique of the grafted plan which saved the vineyard from destruction by phylloxera in 1872.It was promoted to Premier Grand Cru Classé by the Saint-Émilion wine classification in 2006,94/10075cl x 12 5 | ||||
Château Pavie 2010 / シャトー パヴィ 2010 | 390,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2010 / シャトー パヴィ 2010 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2018 / シャトー パヴィ 2018 | 370,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2018 / シャトー パヴィ 2018 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2009 / シャトー パヴィ 2009 | 360,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2009 / シャトー パヴィ 2009 case of 6 bottles Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2019 / シャトー パヴィ 2019 | 360,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2019 / シャトー パヴィ 2019 . 商品説明 The estate was founded by Albert Macquin 1852-1911, famous for having introduced in Saint-Émilion the technique of the grafted plan which saved the vineyard from destruction by phylloxera in 1872.It was promoted to Premier Grand Cru Classé by the Saint-Émilion wine classification in 2006,94/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, cham・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2016 / シャトー パヴィ 2016 | 350,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2016 / シャトー パヴィ 2016 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2017 / シャトー パヴィ 2017 | 350,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2017 / シャトー パヴィ 2017 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2012 / シャトー パヴィ 2012 | 330,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2012 / シャトー パヴィ 2012 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2006 / シャトー パヴィ 2006 | 330,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2006 / シャトー パヴィ 2006 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2015 / シャトー パヴィ 2015 | 330,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2015 / シャトー パヴィ 2015 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2020 / シャトー パヴィ 2020 | 330,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2020 / シャトー パヴィ 2020 . 商品説明 The estate was founded by Albert Macquin 1852-1911, famous for having introduced in Saint-Émilion the technique of the grafted plan which saved the vineyard from destruction by phylloxera in 1872.It was promoted to Premier Grand Cru Classé by the Saint-Émilion wine classification in 2006,94/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, cham・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2019 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2019 | 310,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2019 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2019 . The estate was founded by Albert Macquin 1852-1911, famous for having introduced in Saint-Émilion the technique of the grafted plan which saved the vineyard from destruction by phylloxera in 1872.It was promoted to Premier Grand Cru Classé by the Saint-Émilion wine classification in 2006,94/10075cl x 12 5 | ||||
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2020 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2020 | 310,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2020 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2020 . The estate was founded by Albert Macquin 1852-1911, famous for having introduced in Saint-Émilion the technique of the grafted plan which saved the vineyard from destruction by phylloxera in 1872.It was promoted to Premier Grand Cru Classé by the Saint-Émilion wine classification in 2006,94/10075cl x 12 5 | ||||
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2005 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2005 | 293,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Chateau Pavie Macquin 2005 / シャトー パヴィ マカン 2005 . The estate was founded by Albert Macquin 1852-1911, famous for having introduced in Saint-Émilion the technique of the grafted plan which saved the vineyard from destruction by phylloxera in 1872.It was promoted to Premier Grand Cru Classé by the Saint-Émilion wine classification in 2006,94/10075cl x 12 5 | ||||
Château Pavie 2011 / シャトー パヴィ 2011 | 290,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2011 / シャトー パヴィ 2011 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Château Pavie 2013 / シャトー パヴィ 2013 | 290,000 円 | 込 | Fine and Rare | |
Château Pavie 2013 / シャトー パヴィ 2013 case of 6 bottles 商品説明 Château Pavie owes its name to the red-fleshed peaches that grew on its land at the time. In 1867, the estate was called "Pimpinelle", A Bordeaux merchant, Ferdinand Bouffard, inherited the estate in 1873. He bought properties in the vicinity until forming a set of 50 hectares of vines.Château Pavie premier grand cru classé "A" and the firs・・・(以下省略) |
1件〜20件(全838件) 次の20件 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ・・・
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